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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain

Kamis, 25 Februari 2010


Invitation is a way to invite someone or more to go to a place or to do something ..

There are 2 types of invitation :

Formal invitation is usually originate from institutes, companies, and a kind of it. Normally, formal invitation is written invitation ..

Informal invitation is personal invitation given to a friend, family, etc. Informal invitation can be written invitation and verbal invitation ..

* Verbal Invitation
Extending (mengundang), example :
* I would like to invite you to come to my office
* Would you like to come to my house ?
* How would you like to go fishing with us next week ?
* If you are not busy, please try to come to my café
* Are you free this evening ?
* Let’s go to my school anniversary !
* Can you come ?
* Please try to come
* We hope you will join us
* If you don’t have any other plans, would you come to the restaurant ?
* Would you please attend my party tonight ?
* If you don’t mind, please come to house tomorrow
* Let’s have to dinner together with me
* Would you mind coming to my birthday party ?

* Accepting (menerima), example :
* I’d love to
* I like that
* That sounds great
* Thank you for the invitation
* That would be wonderful
* I’d be glad to ….
* That sounds like fun
* It’s very nice of you to invite me
* It sounds interesting
* Thank you . Yes, I would to ….
* Ok !

* Declining (menolak), example :
* I’d love to, but I can’t, because ….
* I’m really sorry because I can’t come
* Sorry, I’m really busy
* I’d love to, but I won’t be able to ….
* I’d love to but I don’t think I can
* Sorry, that wouldn’t be possible. Thanks
* That’s nice / great. Unfortunately / however ….
* That’s very kind of you, but ….

* Examples :
a.Icha : “ How about going to the swimming pool next Friday ? “
Yessi : “ Hmm.. I’d love to. What time ? “
Icha : “ At 3 pm “
Yessi : “ Ok ! “

b.Novia : “ We would be pleased if you could join us to the zoo “
Rolla : “ Oh ! I would like ! “
Novia : “ Ok ! We will wait for you at 2 pm “

c.Alvin : “ Will you join me to Nurhadi’s house ? I want to lend his
cassette “
Reza : “ Yes, I will “

Hhmm .. That examples just for accept an invitation. How about decline ??

a.Mr. Erwanto : “ Next holiday we will have trip to Outbound. Doddy, do you join
the program ? “
Dody : “ I realy love to go, but I have to take care of my mother “

b.Ade : “ Would you mind coming to my birthday party ?
Dhita : “ I’d love to, but I very busy. Sorry “

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